Reasons Why Underage Sex is Harmful
10. Religious Beliefs
It does not matter if you are Islam, Catholic, or whatever denominations you are affiliated with. This is canonically condoned and condemn. The power of procreation is only given to couples who have been legally wedded by the rules and laws of the land. Hence, its purpose is to conceive and create life and not just for temporary pleasures. This is shared by two people who respects each other and who is willing to wait for the right time and not overly use the word “love” just to prove its worth.
9. Prescribed by Law

There are countries that have set the mandate and even the age where corresponding punishment must be meted that this should not be encouraged. There are some countries that are allowing underage groups to practice this as early as 15, but it varies according to the limitations set by the leaders of each nation. Nonetheless, its purpose is to protect the interest of the youth.
8. Guilt Feeling Afterwards

You may not see the initial consequences of your actions of doing it at the wrong time, but you would get the feeling of shame and blame in yourself that you should have not done it in the first place. Of course, you will get temporary pleasure, particularly if you are at the peak of it. Nevertheless, when everything is done, and if you are alone, your conscience will strike you and you will feel that.
7. Immature Decisions Bring Unexpected Results

Expect that the decision that you have made to do it at an early age will bring about personal agony and could affect your personal life, especially if this would bring you into more troubles. Trust and self-confidence will diminish. Virtue is much important than any pleasure that you can get.
6. Unhealthy Effects

Some say that sex is okay and it is good for the health. But for younger bodies that are not capable and adaptable to the amount of energy, which is being released in the body, it would mean higher chances of acquiring diseases. The body would become wimpy, especially with young women.
5. Unplanned Pregnancy
This is the hardest part where pleasure would equal to pain not just in the soul but a mark that would not be erased by anything. A young and fragile body of a young woman may carry and conceive a baby but an earlier development of it would have an effect on physical stamina of a woman. Schooling might be postponed or worst, you will not be able to continue your study if you are pursuing education.
4. Parental Responsibility

Instead of enjoying a carefree and fun life as a teenager, you would have to worry about feeding your baby every day, taking care of your child 24/7 and doing the motherhood responsibilities prematurely. Heavy burdens in life will be placed on your back and they would have to work instead of studying and finishing everything.
3. Psychological/Physical Effects

Some may not know and recognize it but early exposure and experience on it may lead to addiction. It could also influence the person to some vices like alcoholism and cigarettes. In most cases, these are part of the alter ego of the person in making himself or herself feel that he or she is completely whole again.
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Although it also happens to adults who are doing or practicing it with different men or women but higher percentage shows that since young ones are more immature and cannot handle this properly, are more likely to explore, invent, and become more curious about things where they cannot identify which is right and safe.
1. Innocence and Purity Are Tainted

As much as we wanted to redeem their youthfulness, their innocence is lost once they experience it. In fact, their desire to do it repeatedly increases since their vulnerability is evident and at present, other mistakes might follow like exposure to pornographic materials and other unlikely activities and behavior. Instead of doing the things that other young kids are doing, their thoughts are far from it and are thinking of something else.
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